Monday, 17 September 2012

childline rocks

Less than a month to go!

Carrie-Anne is preparing to go to the Childline Rocks event in October, representing Luna Coven along with Alison and looking forward to it. Looks like it will be a cool event and for a very good cause but we need your support everyone!
All guitarists entering are trying to raise funds for the charity and we welcome any donations.
See these sites for more:

or to donate monies online:​Carrie-Anne-Bound0

Wednesday, 5 September 2012

Alisons traditional Black Cherry Trifle recipe

Tried the steak and kidney pudding and looking for ideas for desert?
Try this great traditional trifle recipe from Alison

Alisons Celtic Recipe series - Steak and Kindney Pudding

Here is another of Alison's great traditional recipes for you to try.